Exhibition News

We start the application for participation in the 3rd competition "the Best design and layout in the home goods store"

Organizers continue to accept applications for participation in the 3rd competition "the Best design and layout in the store of home goods".

Representation of the German research company GfK invites to the conference on the development of online trade in home products, which will be held as part of HOUSEHOLD EXPO

Participants and visitors of the exhibition within the framework of the autumn anniversary international exhibition HOUSEHOLD EXPO-2017 will also have an opportunity to learn about the prospects for the development of online trade in the home goods market. On the Day of Regional Retail on September 13, the representative office of the international research company GfK will hold a conference, a topic that is already known:


"Dynamics and features of online development in the industrial goods market and directly in the home and repair sector"


World experience of online shopping development: yesterday-today-tomorrow


What for the house and repair the buyer agrees to order online?


What are the prospects for online development in the segment of home products and repair


Participation in the event is free after registration on the site.


Complete registration


About GfK


GfK is a reliable source of up-to-date information on markets and consumers in 100 countries of the world. More than 13,000 GfK experts daily apply the company's many years of experience in marketing research.


In Russia, GfK explores consumer behavior and sales in the largest consumer market sectors - FMCG, auto business, retail, home appliances and electronics, the pharmaceutical market, telecommunications, finance, insurance and others. More information can be found on the website www.GfK.ru or on Twitter GfK: https://twitter.com/GfK_Rus



The program of business events is constantly updated!

How to keep the customer without discounts? Find out on the master class of Alexey Urvantsev

On the Day of Regional Retail, Alexey Urvantsev's master class will be held on the topic "How to conduct price negotiations and keep customers WITHOUT DISCOUNTS?" When the market niche becomes competitive, the Client starts to choose increasingly on the principle of "who will bid below".

For example, "twists his hands" manager of the travel agency: "The same route and the same hotel in another agency is cheaper. Give a discount and buy from you."

Dumping, of course, you can keep the Client (and often have to do so), but is it profitable for the company?

Participants of the webinar Alexei Urvantsev "HOW TO KEEP CUSTOMER WITHOUT DISCOUNT? Technicians of price bargaining "will be able to correct this situation.

Thanks to reliable speech modules, managers will learn to keep the client not at the expense of dumping, but through the competent clarification of the needs and arguments of the merits and differences of the offer.


Elements of bargaining about discounts. How to expand the vision of their capabilities and learn to play conditions, goals, arguments?

What else, besides the price, can convince the Client to use EXACTLY YOUR services?

Reliable ready-made speech modules (scripts) for bargaining about discounts.

Techniques for processing price objections.

Participation in the event is free after registration on the site.

Complete registration

UrvancevAlexey Urvantsev is a trainer and consultant on oratory and smart sales organization. Included in the TOP-20 of the best Russian sales trainers according to SalesPortal.ru.

Owner of the Selling Center LIFTING (www.products.rf), a graduate of the Presidential Program for Management Training, a professional marketer.

Speaker of the largest business forums in Russia and the near abroad: Russian Sales Week, Russian Sales Forum, Intellect Fest, Sales Accelerator, Sales and Marketing 2015 and 2016, B2B Summit, Sales Marketing Eurasia Forum (Kazakhstan), Battle of Trainers (Ukraine) and many others .


Author of publications on the management of sales and marketing in the magazines "Sales Management", "Sales Management", "Moscow Club of Entrepreneurs", "Art of Sales" (Ukraine), as well as on Internet portals: E-xecutive.ru, «Advertising Dimension», «Club of salesmen», etc.

Details of Ekaterina Buzukova's speech became known

Russia's leading specialist in assortment and category management Ekaterina Buzukova will hold a seminar on September 13 within the framework of the section "Raising sales from the shelves" "Nelikvidy - who is to blame and what to do. Causes of origin, criteria for illiquid goods, methods of struggle ".


Participants of the meeting will discuss:


Definition of illiquid (illiquid or surplus?)


The emergence of illiquid - the causes of external and internal


The criterion of liquidity is seasonality, obsolescence, output of goods, etc. Wrap-up as an evaluation criterion.


Motivation of personnel in the fight against illiquid goods


Ways to combat illiquid and surplus (sales, returns, etc. - more than 10 ways to get rid of illiquid).


Examples of different successful and unsuccessful actions




Participation in the event is free after registration on the site.



Complete registration



More about Ekaterina Buzukova





The program of business events is constantly updated!