The head of consulting group "Super-Roznitsa" Natalia Novoselova will share the practical experience during the regional retailers day.
Actively continuing the development of one of directions of the business program, namely, the theme of sales increasing. Well-known expert on sales Dmitry Rusakov will take part in the work of the regional retail day with the seminar "How to increase sales".
Recently the Internet sales have become one of the most important marketing trends. There is an extensive experience, knowledge of efficient and inefficient means for various products and various promotion channels in the Internet tested. The Social Media have shown their great sales potential
The partners of HOUSEHOLD EXPO, STYLISH HOME and CHRISTMAS BOX. PODARKI organizers make an exclusive offer for the exhibitors and visitors to provide comfortable accommodations and convenient transportation.
- We start the application for participation in the 3rd competition "the Best design and layout in the home goods store"
- Representation of the German research company GfK invites to the conference on the development of online trade in home products, which will be held as part of HOUSEHOLD EXPO
- How to keep the customer without discounts? Find out on the master class of Alexey Urvantsev
- Details of Ekaterina Buzukova's speech became known
- International Specialized Exhibitions HouseHold Expo, Stylish Home.Objects & Tableware, Dacha Outdoor and Christmas Box. Podarki were closed on IEC Crocus Expo fairgrounds