Regional Retail Day: strategies of range development in the period of unstable markets

Regional Retail Day: strategies of range development in the period of unstable markets


«Uncertainty in business! Strategies of range development in the period of unstable markets. Range planning and business management through private labels in the state of changes.»

March 22 2022, Crocus Expo IEC, pavilion 2, hall 9


Organizers: Between2countries, MOKKA Expo Group


10:00 – 10:30

Anti-crisis workshop ‘How not only to protect from new threatens, but implement new opportunities’

  1. Rules of planning and management during the crisis
  2. Main trends, opportunities and threatens of key functions of business:
  • for a producer
  • for a distributor
  • for a retail chain
  1. Карта рисков: как быстро сделать и превратить в план действий.
  • short term (1-2 weeks)
  • tactical (3-6 months)
  1. 5 mistakes, which may destroy business during the crisis. How to avoid them.


Stanislav Kazakov – Director of Darvin hypermarket chain and Managing partner of Big Time Retail

Leyla Pavlova – business consultant, expert and speaker of the Federal industry Portal RETAIL.RU and Chinese Textile Association, founder of «Between2countries»



Kazakov 1


10:30 – 11:10

Dynamics of customers’ demand change as a result of two years of pandemics. What changes await for us in a purchase psychology’

Shishova Elena – leading customer service manager of Romir company


Shishova 3


11:10 – 11:45

Main trends and directions of HOUSEHOLD 2022 market development. Seasonal collections: preparations for seasons, rules of forming and sales

Leyla Pavlova –  business consultant, expert and speaker of the  Federal industry Portal RETAIL.RU and Chinese Textile Association, founder of «Between2countries»



11:45 – 12:15

New trends in marketing and sales. Major rules of sales increase and business scaling

Irina Krechetova – business consultant, an expert-practitioner



12:15 – 13:00

Strategy of range development. Private labels of Leroy Merlin

  • Gamma structure: logics of projecting, priorities, update frequency
  • Private label goods: principles and gamma update frequency
  • Work with suppliers: how to make it to the shelf. How the choice is made.

Elena Vodbolskaya – Head of the direction, Décor category, Development of markets of goods



13:00 – 13:40

How supplier can profit on retail supplies. Factors of success and pitfalls. How the local retailer can be a successful concurrent of transnational and federal giants. Cases of Darvin retail chain.

Stanislav Kazakov – Director of Darvin hypermarket chain, Managing partner of Big Time Retail

Kazakov 1
13.40 – 14.00


14:00 – 14:45

What makes a store become a favorite one: tips of atmosphere and graphics

Irina Bolotova – head of JosdeVries The Retail Company Russia 



14:45 – 15:30

Neuro marketing! A client in love! Main tools to form emotional sales

Aleksey Babushkin – an expert on networking and business communications, business partner. Editor-in-Chief of Networking in Russian magazine.



15:30 – 16:00

Light as a tool of trade marketing. Window dressing rules.  How light and emotional burden of windows influence on sales.

Sergey Ispolatov – STK ‘Systemy osvescheniya’



16:00 – 16:40

How digitalization helps to increase b2b sales now and expand your business in 5 years

Conditions of successful digitalization, preparation of sales and company. Analytics of sales: key to opportunities of growth. What data is needed to collect. Examples of analytic reports. Personalization of offer for clients via digital platforms. Examples from practice. What resources and investments are needed for sales digitalization. Stages of digitalization of sales step by step.

Tatyana Sorokina – Director General of «Unit-Consulting», recognized Russian expert on distribution and sales. PhD in psychology.




16:40 – 17:20

Private label + designer developments of individual collections. Technologies of sale management through collections and product groups.

Leyla Pavlova – business consultant, expert and speaker of the Federal industry portal RETAIL.RU and Chinese Textile Association, founder of «Between2countries»
